An Energy i Want to Give to the World

You don’t have to go far these days to hear people complaining about the youth of today.

Just scroll on social media or turn on the news, and it isn’t hard to find, but what if I told you a different story? 

What if I told you a story of positivity, joy, passion, and an energy that I would love to bottle and give to the entire world!?

Just last week, I visited Tuscaloosa County High School, and at the end of the year, I was in Jonesboro, Arkansas, at Jonesboro High School. What I found within those walls would challenge the stereotypes you might be seeing and hearing about. 

In Tuscaloosa, I was invited to speak on the importance of staying in school. I got to address the entire high school of about 1500 kids. A coach asked me on the way in if I had ever spoken to a crowd that large. I have, and I know how hard it can be to keep the attention of lots of people at once, but boy, do I love a challenge! So in I walked with power, authority…the good, magnetic kind of authority, and a belief that I was literally sent on assignment for some souls in that crowd. 

I was wearing my Jordans, and sparkly jacket with QUEEN emblazoned across the back. I was PUMPED! I began my talk but acknowledging the importance of being WHO YOU WERE BORN TO BE! If you were born extra, like me, then be EXTRA! If you were born to be an introvert, then dive into the beautiful world that is you and make it an extraordinary place! Stop trying to fit in when you were born to stand out in your own unique way. You would’ve thought I was Taylor Freaking Swift; the crowd went wild…over and over again. And truth be told, and all Taylor Swift jokes aside, it really wasn’t about me; it was all about the message! I am just blessed to be the messenger!

And there was this: THEY KNEW I CARED FROM THE MOMENT I BEGAN TO SPEAK, and when people know you care, radical things come from it. 

Radical healing. 

Radical love. 

Radical growth. 

Radical vulnerability. 

Here is what I learned: young people these days are HONGRY (Southern definition: really hungry) to believe, hongry to grab onto something that makes them also believe in themselves, fiercely, for the first time or all over again. They are hongry to dream and plan and prepare. They are hongry to know themselves and love themselves. They want to be loved for who they are and reminded that they are a miracle, especially when they fail because we all fail. HELLO! 

And it’s only an absolute failure if you don’t learn something from being face-down in the mud! Wooo WEEE, that’ll preach! 

So before you bash today’s youth, I would challenge you to dig deeper and get to know some young people on another level. Maybe it’s your kids, your neighbors, your grandkids?  Ask about their hopes, their dreams, and their passions. Ask about their mental health; ask them if you can listen to what they are going through. Ask them if they want you to listen to listen or listen to provide a solution. It really helps. 

I count myself so very blessed to have friends that are teenagers and some that are of the older variety. I think life is so much sweeter that way! 

Could you also seek out friendships with people of all ages? I can guarantee you will be blessed, like me.

Meanwhile, I’ll be over here burning brighter than ever because these kids let me know what I say, think, and feel matters greatly! They affirmed my soul and gave me the go-juice to keep running my race in an even higher gear!


With all my love, 
Rachel Joy Rohe


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