Audaciousness, Disruption, Fitness, and Faith: The Power Being Bold


I want to send a HUGE thank you for downloading the mental-health battle plan in last week’s newsletter. So many of you took advantage of a plan that could save a life and most definitely changes lives. It’s what I wish I knew the night I had my dark night of the soul. 

Think of it this way - You see teams have a game plan. You have a plan for investing. You have a plan for your career. Why not have a mental-health battle plan? 

For years I’ve really struggled when people asked me how to find therapy when they couldn’t afford traditional therapy. The best I could tell them is google low-cost mental health therapy in your area or seek mental health therapy through a church or your church. Now, neither of those options are bad, but they are lacking when someone needs help now and cost is a deterrent. It hurt my heart, truly. A little while back I  heard about a service called KonnectMD through a friend that, frankly, seemed too good to be true. It was low-cost tele-therapy for you and your whole family, separately and weekly if needed.

If you're new to me and this newsletter (HAYY YALL!) you will learn I only share products here and there that I LOVE or use or that have truly changed my life. So I was not about to recommend this service if I didn’t try it first. So that is what I did. And I loved it. From the first intake call to my repeated sessions with whom I will call sweet P, I am a changed woman. And I cannot recommend this service more!!  I am thrilled to bring you their amazing services and partner with them. 

Five things I’m into this week:

1)  Intellectual conversations and thought-provoking content. Last night my husband and I watched a History Underground video on a pre-Civil War Mansion on the History Underground YouTube channel and then had a long discussion about how Chat GPT could help my business. Talk about appealing. Wowzers. Hubba Hubba! 😂

2) Yesterday I spoke to a group of 200-plus women at Arvest Bank and let me tell you, they rocked my world. We talked about JOY, soul-care, boundaries, dreams, and more. If your company has an event, I would love to be considered as your next transformative speaker. 

3) I shared with you that I visited a maximum-security prison earlier this month. Here are some of the images from that visit. You are not allowed anything other than a bible and a pen inside, not a phone, nada. The lady that took the pics had to turn in the camera to be inspected before she got it back. I cannot wait to go back and minister again. 

Men worshiping at prison

4) I am a natural momma like my momma was before me, so I don’t love a lot of chemicals in my cleaning products. Plug-ins, candles with lots of chemicals, and more give me instant headaches. I’m grateful to be in tune with my body and know when something is wrong. With all of that said, I can’t stand streaky counters and couldn’t find a solution I liked without a lot of chemicals, so I turned to Facebook. My sorority sister from Auburn (WAR EAGLE HEYYY!) said try alcohol, a smidgen of dish soap, and essential oils, fill with water, and shake. Yall, my counters are clean, NOT streaky and my kitchen smells AHHMAZING!

5) I said it last week and I’ll say it again: SHOP SMALL! I got a package from a store in Wetumpka and the precious owner had included TWO of each size because I wasn’t sure about the sizing. WHO DOES THAT? Y'all go check her out! 

Have you checked out this week's podcast? Let’s talk Deion Sanders and being a JOYFUL DISRUPTOR!

Listen to the Episode

September is Suicide Awareness Month. We at #ImChangingtheNarrative have prepared a mental-health battle plan to help you prepare for life’s toughest moments. PLEASE SHARE THIS NEWSLETTER OR PDF WITH SOMEONE. IT COULD SAVE A LIFE!

Download the Mental Health Battle Plan

Transcript: Audaciousness, Disruption, Fitness, and Faith: The Power Being Bold

Hello, Joystarters! Hope you're having the greatest day. I have a lot of different thoughts to share with you today, a lot of different things that have happened to me over the weekend and as of late, and I just wanna share all of them with you. So if it seems like today I'm a little more chaotic than usual, then just stay with me. Get your notebooks out. Stay with me. I'm gonna move very fast.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:00:37]:

Squirrel. Squirrel. Okay. She's over here, but it's all gonna tie together, and I promise you that. I promise you that on every single one of my podcast. First, I wanna say thank you to everybody on the newsletter. If you're not on the newsletter, go to I', and get signed up for the newsletter.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:00:59]:

We had a mental health battle plan, a mental health battle plan that was inside that newsletter, and we'll put the link to the newsletter in the show notes that so many of you, downloaded last week, and it literally can save and change a life. It's going ahead and having a battle plan for when you're struggling, for when life isn't good, just a football team has a a game plan, you have a plan for your life, you have an investment plan, you have a plan, this is your battle plan, and it could literally help save and change a life. We'd love to give that to you. We're gonna share it again in this Week's, newsletter in our pod come out on Thursdays, and so we wanna give that to you. It's just a gift. It's just a resource. We do that, and I'm Changing the Narrative, obviously, with suicide awareness month as well and just wanna give that to you. So I wanna make you aware of that.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:01:49]:

Also, I wanna share my absolute joy over watching Deion Sanders and the Colorado Buffs. Alright. Look. I have for those that don't know that are new followers to me, I spent 17 years covering college football In the media, I now am a national speaker and have been inside 60 plus programs all over the country, football programs, sports programs at all different levels, d three, NAIA, division one, top five, big conferences, small conferences, you name it. And I think I have so many thoughts. Like, I have so many thoughts on Deion, but I'll I'll break it down to this. He's a disruptor. He's a disruptor.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:02:31]:

He is somebody who is so authentically himself, so 1000% on times a hundred. Right? That “eats,” as my bonus daughter says. I just had a gaggle, a beautiful gaggle of girls at my house this Weeknd and got to be the photographer for their homecoming pictures, and so they would say that eats. He eats. Right? That team is eating. If you if you are looking at the ratings, oh, wow. Yeah. They people are staying up.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:03:02]:

My husband stayed up in Into the wee hours of the night to watch Colorado football, I've seen all sorts of memes of people just looking like an absolute zombie standing in front of the TV at 1:50 AM watching the Colorado bus. And look huge props to Coach Norvell and their opponents and all those players for going right to the wire with them, but I just wanna talk about being a disruptor. I think he could be a joyful disruptor. I think he is a joyful disruptor. I was telling my husband the other day, I think what he is forcing every college coach in the country to do is to look in the mirror. Look in the mirror and say, okay. And and I'm gonna speak on this. I I don't wanna announce it just yet.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:03:46]:

I don't wanna wait till they tell me that I can announce that I'm speaking at a huge opportunity in college football next year, early year. If you're in coaching, you probably know what that is. But I'm gonna be talking about the joy in coaching, getting back to the joy of coaching. Right? Even before I I was watching Deion at Colorado, that's what I do. I travel the country talking about purpose, passion, platform, joy, purpose outside of your job or athletics, interpersonal relationships, mental health, but joy. I just wrote a book on joy, And he is so clearly joyful. He is so clearly joyful. It it smacks you right in the face.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:04:20]:

He knows who he is. I I heard him say, I think it was on 60 Minutes, that he's not afraid to make mistakes. He's not afraid to be himself. And I was just telling my girlfriend Heather this morning, we're doing a thing: 90 days of faith, fitness, and audaciousness. If you wanna join us, I might have to make this thing official. Just 90 days of faith, fitness, and audaciousness. Being thoughtful of those three things, Faith, Fitness, and Audaciousness.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:04:42]:

And because I teach on this thing called, audacious hour, that you should do it once a week, have an hour in in maybe it's 15 minutes at a time where you make audacious emails, audacious ask, audacious moves towards your goals and your dreams. But he talked about this on on one of these programs I've seen him on because lord knows they've had big noon on Fox. They've had game day. They had 60 minutes there all in 1 weekend, all the celebrities, all the things. He is a 1000% himself, and he's not afraid to make mistakes, he's not afraid to be himself, and people just love that. He's audaciously joyful. That's what he is. Man, he's having fun.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:05:21]:

He is who he is. He's a disruptor. He's disrupting the college football game. He's doing it his way. Now there are tons of college football coaches that are doing it their way and are joyful and and love their job. I know that, but I gotta tell you, if you are wanting to be the best or good at anything you do, you need to be studying Not your they're not your competitors. I don't like to look at people as competitors. I've never I've always said that.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:05:50]:

I've always gone against but but just study what people are doing in your world that you admire, that you look up to, that you wanna be like. And so if Colorado has got all of these eyeballs for a myriad of reasons, one, the number of games they won last year and the quick turnaround, 2, the success, 2, the fun, the joy that he has there and the players clearly have and the bond that they have and the time that they're having and what he's instilling in them, you gotta look yourself. And this isn't this is for you. I ask you every single time in this podcast to to take what I'm teaching on that week And apply it to your own life. And that's what I'm asking you to do. Are you a disruptor? A joyful disruptor? Are you audaciously joyful? When I get to talk at this event next year, we're gonna talk about the joy. Right? Like, the joy in what you do and why you started doing it. And The more joyful you are in your soul personally, the more it's gonna come out in the work that you do.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:06:52]:

The more work you do to heal, The the the more it's gonna come out in every single part of your life because I made a post recently. It's so good. Is all good, and it said that I've noticed as of late that I'm and and I'm not perfect at it because none of us are perfect, and it doesn't happen all the time. But more times than not, I am laughing in places that used to trigger me. Wow. Go laugh in the places that used to trigger you. And and I'm doing it. And I'm I'm not doing it consciously.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:07:27]:

It's happening subconsciously. And wow. Wow. Like, it's yeah, man. It's radical, and it's happening in a number of for a number of reasons, inner child work, therapy, Jesus, whatever your faith system is, mine is God and Christianity, but I wanna be inclusive to everybody. But it's a number of things. It's that desire to heal. It's, again, inner child work therapy, my faith system, and just this overwhelming desire inside of me to be the best me that I can and to heal because I saw something else today that said heal because your children deserve the best version of you.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:08:04]:

So good. Right? So good. I hope that college football coaches that are looking at him start to look at themselves, start to say, okay. What is in me or what can I change or what do they have in that program that is so fun, that is so desirable for people to go play there? Yes. It's in a beautiful spot. Absolutely. Is Deion absolutely successful? Yes. He is and and has had so much sports success and and financial success and all of those things, but there's also a joy there.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:08:34]:

There's also something different in the air, and he is a disruptor, and that's it, y'all. And he is he is forcing people around him to to look at themselves in a new and fresh way. The smart ones will, I will say. The smart ones will are saying because it's recruiting. Right? We know in the college football world, it's so much recruiting. If you can't be him, then how can you be the best version of yourself. You can't be him. There's only 1 Deion.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:08:56]:

So how can you be the best version of you, coach, so that you can attract the right recruits and people wanna come play for you because I've been saying this to coaches for a really long time, not really a long time, but for the past few years with NIL and the transfer portal, and it's that you've gotta be who you say you are. You gotta be really even more so who you say you are because players, and rightly so, have a more of a voice ever had. They have choices with the transfer portal. And NIL, they have opportunities that they didn't have before. And so if you claim to be one thing and you're not, if you claim to care about one thing and you don't and your actions clearly undermine that or not in line with what you say, they're gonna leave you. They're gonna go play somewhere else. And so disruptors I'm grateful this for disruptors. Disruptors force me to stand up and be the best version of me that I can be and to look at myself and look in the mirror and say, how can I be a better Rachel? Disruptor to me is not a negative thing.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:09:54]:

You can be I think Deion is a joyful disruptor. That's what he is. He's audaciously joyful, but I keep repeating that because it's so good. So are you a disruptor in your field, in your life? Do you disrupt negative energy? Do you bring positive energy? Are you audaciously joyful, relentlessly joyful? Those are things that I think you can take away from this crazy, beautiful ride that Colorado is on this year where people they're just breaking ratings. I think my husband told me they had a better rating in one of their games in the Texas Alabama game. That's insane, y'all. That's insane. It's insane.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:10:30]:

Hey, joy starters… Here's a thought. If you purchased the book and you loved it, I need a favor. I need you to tell a friend about it. I need you to buy a friend a copy. I need you to share about it in your group, in your church. Tell your pastor, Somebody at work, whatever it may be. I recently have been speaking at events where the event organizer bought everybody a book, so they went home with a copy.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:11:00]:

And what I wanted to tell them and what I wanna tell you is if you get a free copy or however you came across a copy, if you bought a copy, if you loved it, more than a few people have been doing this where they just buy several copies to give away. I take copies in my bag at the airport to give to people and to bless people. And so, that's my ask of And if you can't afford to buy somebody a copy right now, I totally understand. Just tell somebody about it. Tell 5 people about it. Tell 10 amazing souls about the book. I so appreciate you. And what I'm learning now through this recent news that we're on a bestseller list is that people are telling people about it.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:11:42]:

And to see a book do well later on after publishing, that's what's happening. People are telling other people about it. So if you like this book, if there's a chapter you liked, if you loved it, if you remotely liked it, tell somebody about the book. And, also, if you can, buy them a copy. Love you guys.

The other thing that I thought was so interesting about Deion is something else I teach coaches, and y'all getting all the all the inside track on what I I teach coaches, and that is not every player needs to be coached the same way. And this again can be applied to your life, and that is have you ever done the 5 love languages? Have you ever done the 5 love love languages for your children, for your spouse, for yourself.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:12:24]:

You can use the 5 love languages at work. I tell coaches, progressive coaches, I tell them, look. Some players, you yell in their face, you scream at them, they're going to it it just crushes them. I've had bosses before that have screamed at me, and I'm one of those people that gets crushed by you screaming at me. It doesn't make me wanna be better. It crushes my spirit. There are other ways for people like Guest, people like me, that if you said to me you're better than that, Rachel, I believe in you, girl. I see something.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:12:52]:

You're better than that decision, you're better than what you did right there, you're better than that work in that paper, can you do better? Man, I will run through a wall for you. Whoo. But you yell at me, you scream at me, that doesn't do it for me. That doesn't do it for me. And so I saw a social media post where a player had made a mistake. And a lot of times a coach will go out and yell at a player making a mistake, but he ends up hugging him. And afterwards, a player goes out, and and I I can't remember whether it was an interception or a touchdown or reception, but big reception. He ended up he did well.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:13:30]:

Right? He is successful. And I think also having his sons around the program on the team and being a true father figure, so many coaches want to be that father figure to so many. And I've talked to coaches before, and I said, okay. What happens? Do you keep in touch with any of your players afterwards? And they said, sadly, no. We I don't. My position coaches do, but I don't. And I said, how can we change that? That's a whole another ball of wax. A whole another ball of wax for another day.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:13:59]:

Some of the things I teach on, and I'm changing the narrative, but just wanted to give you, man, is, like, little nuggets that I've been picking up from Deion. And so your takeaways for the 1st part of this podcast are go go get the 5 love languages. You can go online. It's a quick task. You need to know how you love And oftentimes how your you love, I'm words of affirmation and gifts, is the way you will try to love your partner or love your children, and maybe that is not their love language at all. And so they're not receiving your love, and their love tank is empty. I did this with my bonus daughter and my children and my bonus children, and I found out how they wanna be loved, and I try to love them in that way. I'm trying to learn them.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:14:42]:

I only came into their life 6 years ago, so I wanna be the best bonus mom that I can. We also know we wanna be a joyful disruptor. We wanna be audaciously joyful. We wanna be the kind of person that raises, elevates the energy in a room where it forces other people in a good way to look in the mirror and say, how can I be better? People aren't your competition. I I really just don't love that. Look at people as inspiration, not competition. So those are some of the crazy things that have been on my heart and mind this week, and I also have to share this with you. Who? Who? I had a call this morning, and I had been fired up praying on it, since this call.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:15:29]:

I had somebody reach out to me about doing an event. And and so but she didn't give me the context. She asked me if I wanted to be one of 15, 12, 15 presenters. And we start we get on the call, and I'm nicely asking her, is this an in kind speaking engagement, meaning I make my living speaking, and was this something that they're expecting for me to do in kind, and what is that in kind? What is the thing that you're offering me? And And she's okay. You can offer an offer to the 3,000 people that are gonna be on this call on this. And I said, that's great. And then she goes on to ask me some questions about my network and my business and whatnot. And one of the metrics in my network, in my business wasn't up to snuff for her.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:16:14]:

Then she goes, oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna sorry. You have to have this many people. And y'all, if you have ever. If you followed me for any amount of time, I don't care about numbers. I don't care about numbers. I do not have a niche.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:16:29]:

I was talking with somebody about that today. People in a world, they'll take a niche down. Find your people. Guess what? My people are pink, purple, black, white, 16, 66, 96, all ages, socioeconomic backgrounds, all different walks of life. Right? I'm not about people. I'm about 1. I am about not deriving your worst from numbers. And in a world that will tell you it is about how many likes did you get on that? How many comments did you get on that? Blah blah blah blah.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:17:01]:

You need to grow. You need to do this. You need to do that. I'm telling you, it'll suck the joy right out of you. It'll suck the life right out of you. And so I kept the joy in my voice. I smiled just like you could hear me smiling through this podcast right now, but, I respectfully told her. I said, that is Disappointing.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:17:21]:

And I said, to be judged by that metric? And I said, because I'm a former national sportscaster, 1st female host on SiriusXM. I am a Heisman voter still. I am a national speaker sought after by border patrol and law enforcement, the big ten and big twelve, and we will work in the NFL next year. And all of these things in 60 plus colleges In prisons and halfway houses and high schools and K to 5, that is unfortunate to be judged by that metric. And she said, no. We're not judging you. It's just the thing that the standard and I'm so sorry.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:17:58]:

And she was as nice as she could be, but I left the call thinking this, and I say this with all humility because I know who I am, I know who I am in the grand scheme of things, but I also know who I am, and I know my worth. And I will not allow metrics to define my worth. I have never been about numbers if I affect 1. When I go to a school, when I go to a speaking engagement, when I speak later on today to a bank with hundreds of women on a call, it is about 1. If I touch 1 life, that's why I wrote this book. Got a message this morning saying “My avowed atheist daughter picked up your book this weekend.” And if she is interested in it, y'all, I have seen the life change. I've seen it over and over again to this book, And I will not allow somebody's definition of what is successful in metrics affect my worst. And so what I would say to her respectfully is your loss.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:18:53]:

Your loss. You you you you your loss. Right? God has bigger and better for me, and I'm sorry that you defined me by metrics, by that particular metric. And if that's how you have to do that, here here's the other part of it I think is really important is I was kind and respectful, Anne, I didn't get to say that last part to her. I'm I'm praying on whether I say it to her because I'm saying it right here on my podcast. I told her I'll get the real and the raw. But I I said when I was speaking to her, joyful, thankful. I respect you.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:19:23]:

Appreciate it. But I disagree. Respectfully, I disagree. And so here is the key, though. I don't wish her ill. I don't wish that event to not go well. I wish life changed. I wish amazing things to happen on that event.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:19:40]:

I wish that it's so successful. I wish them so much joy, But also know the my worst that is not based on metrics, and I know they will miss me. They will miss my life changed, they will miss my message that God has put in my heart. They will miss it. And I'm sorry for them that they'll miss that because they judge me on a metric. And don't you let somebody judge your now look. Work. I understand that.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:20:06]:

Skills, teams, pitch counts. I I get all that. I get that, but I'm talking about your worst. I'm talking about your soul. That's what I'm talking about. I'm talking about don't you let a metric affect your soul In your words, and don't you say I'm not good enough because I work with young girls. I just spoke to a group called Little Women, and I love them. And I this message is for them and Everybody, don't you dare.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:20:26]:

They're out there. There are kids out there and and all ages that are looking at their post going, I'm not good enough. My message is stupid. Nobody likes me. I don't get this many likes. This is dumb. This is whatever based on metrics, and they're letting metrics affect their soul. And so I'm here to remind you today, don't you dare let metrics affect your soul.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:20:47]:

And I'm here to say I wish this person so much success with their event and that they're gonna miss me. And that's okay to say because I love myself, And I know what I bring to the table, and I'm so grateful. I'm so grateful. I'm so grateful for you guys. I'm so grateful for this podcast, And I'm also grateful for the opportunity y'all to be able to walk, dance, and get up today. I often tell you about perspective, and the thing that keeps me really honest and and joyful most of the days His perspective is this day will never come again. My daughters and sons will never be this age again.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:21:30]:

I'll never get this day. I'll never be the same person that I am today. And I try to keep that spirit up. I recently posted something. I think it was in the newsletter last week where I talked about I try not to, whoo, I try not to complain about a dirty kitchen because it means I have groceries and have a cook a kitchen to cook Ken. I thought that the other night when I was taking a bath, like, a warm clean water and clean sheets y'all perspective. And on the fitness end of it, something that I have been doing as of late, I asked my husband to get me a treadmill for mother's day, and I'd walk on it and I would do the sometimes like that hit where you run for 30 seconds really hard and then you walk and you do that lead times. I was doing that, but it wasn't like something you could do every day.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:22:14]:

And then I came across this 30 by let's see. I gotta always get this right. It's 30 by 12 by 3 workout on TikTok. And if you have access to a treadmill. I want you to try this at work or at your gym or at home or wherever it is because walking is so great for you. And so you walk for 30 minutes, you put it on an incline of 12, which it's hard by the way, sometimes you have to hold on to the sides, and then you do it at speed of 3. And I get on there and I burn a ton of calories. I know I'm doing great.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:22:49]:

It's low impact joints because I also do CrossFit and also dance. So I have my impact in those things, but it's great. And I've been doing it now 2 weeks. Excuse me. I've been doing it 2 weeks and I 4 times a week, and then I do other things. But I feel great. I start my days doing it more times than not. Sometimes I do phone calls if somebody doesn't mind me being on a treadmill while that happens or I listen to a podcast or I go through emails or I listened to an audible.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:23:18]:

You all heard me in the, newsletter last week talk about the Audible app. I am that nerd now that was, like, doing Laundry, not proud nerd doing laundry around the house, and I'm listening to Audible or I take a book to the game, shout out to Cecil Hurd. Those from Alabama and Tuscaloosa will know who Cecil Hurd is, one of my mentors and friends that passed away. And by the way, can we just say, holy moly. So great to have Eli Gold back. Another friend of mine, an iconic voice, a mentor friend in the business always believed in me, early on in my days in Columbus, Georgia, he told my parents we were walking out of an event where I was broadcasting, we got to do an interview with him at the the country club there, and he looked at my parents when my mom was still alive, and he said, she's really special. And she's gonna make something great of herself in this industry. And my parents were so proud.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:24:12]:

You could see them stand 2 feet taller. Right? And and he's been a mentor and a friend ever since and literally rang the bell recently against cancer and almost lost is life and just came back to broadcasting Alabama football, if you've never heard an Alabama broadcast and never heard of Eli Gold, a double dog dare you to find an Alabama football broadcast, turn off the TV, and turn on the radio, it's amazing. It's how I learned football by listening on the radio on back roads coming back from games and different things because you have to visualize it. You absolutely have to visualize it. I told you this podcast was gonna be a lot of squirrel. A little bit of fitness, a little bit of faith, a little bit audaciousness, disruptor, audaciously joyful, knowing you're worse, And knowing that you are your soul is not defined by metrics. Right? Work may be. Other things may be by metrics, but your Soule, your worth does not define.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:25:07]:

I told you, we have a lot of different things, and I'm here for it. And I know you're here for it. And we move fast, and we swirled this podcast. That's what we did. But I'm so grateful that you listen and tweet. Please subscribe and share this. The greatest thing you can do is send this to a friend, send it to your church group, send it to your your, group text to girlfriends, try the treadmill deal, and tell me what you think, and tell me if you like it. Heck, do go on the 90 day journey of Faith, Fitness, and audaciousness with Heather and myself.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:25:44]:

The point is taking what I give to you in this podcast and just absorbing it and putting it it into your life. That is the point. That is why I do this every week. I saw the wonderful person, her name is Kim, on the that makes this podcast go makes it beautiful, why she does what she does. It's a lot of time. It's a lot of effort. It's a lot of resources. Make this thing happen.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:26:07]:

We do it for you, but we need you to take it, and you do something with it. Love you guys. See you next week. Rachel Joy Barbot here. Did you know, And I'm so excited to announce it that I'm gonna be coaching again. I have coached for years years. Years ago, I coached Sportscasters. 47 years.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:26:34]:

It was the joy of my life to be able to lead sportscasters on their journey. And then once I quit sports casting, I began joy coaching, helping people find what sets their soul on fire, creating movements, Bringing that thing that's been in your soul into the world, and we are starting a small a Very small and intimate group coaching program, August 15th. I also have 2 spots available, just 2, because I wanna give you my all, for 1 on 1 coaching. So if you wanna check it out and get all the information, we want you to head on over to And make sure you sign up for the email list. That makes you a VIP. You're already a VIP in my heart. It makes you a VIP, and that way you will get information on the coaching program, when I'm gonna be in your Town.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:27:26]:

Events I'm doing. How you can be a Joystarter, how you can get your Joystarter buttons, all the things. I love you guys, and I'm so thankful for you.


Embrace Your Journey: Your Winning Season Awaits


LIVE With No Regrets: Risk Being Viewed as a Fool When the Stakes Are High